The Wombats 1st Official U.S. Release

...will be called The Wombats E.P. and will be out on April 8th Bay Area label Bright Antenna.
Yes, BAGeL Radio's favorite band in the world for the past year will finally have something out in record stores on these shores. Songs on the E.P. include:
Moving To New York
Kill The Director
Kill The Director (CSS Remix)
Backfire At The Disco
Little Miss Pipedream
Lost In The Post
All (except the remix) are excerpted from their UK full-length, The Wombats Proudly Present A Guide To Love, Loss, and Desperation, the #1 album of 2007 here at BAGeL Radio, an album on which each song has more hooks -- musical, lyrical, and vocal -- than most entire albums that cross my desk, and I get over 200 albums a month. My favorite album by a Liverpool band since Let It Be."